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High productivity

LED-UV printing system

LED-UV printing systemLED-UV printing system

Energy-conserving, long-life LED-UV printing system achieves high operating efficiency with LEDs that turn on and off instantly. Low-heat LEDs reduce heat-related shrinkage of printing media, making them ideal for printing with resin film.

Tandem Perfector

Tandem PerfectorTandem Perfector

The Tandem Perfector enables double-sided printing in a single pass without tumbling the sheet. Its unique arrangement reduces fan-out to ensure highly accurate front and back registration comparable to straight printing presses. This press is capable of perfecting at up to 16,200 sheets per hour*, greatly improving productivity. 
* For RMGT 10

Supporting quality control and long-run printing

PQS-D Printing Quality Control System

PQS-D Printing Quality Control SystemPQS-D Printing Quality Control System

This inline system performs both color density management using color bar imaging and quality inspection for hickeys, smudging, and other defects. It also automatically performs registration adjustment by reading special register marks, enabling easy operation even by less-experienced operators.

PQS-Eye Color Management System

The PQS-Eye system performs continuous fully automatic color management from the start of printing to completion, with no need to sample the printed sheets. Line sensors read color patches or the printed image to automatically adjust the ink keys to match the target color density.

Double Delivery

The inline quality control system inspects printed sheets during printing, and automatically discharges any defective sheets to the reject delivery, eliminating the need to sort out defective sheets after printing finishes.

Double DeliveryDouble Delivery

Automatic non-stop feeder and delivery shutter

An automatic non-stop feeder and delivery shutter greatly enhance efficiency and productivity for continuous printing on heavy stock by continuously feeding sheets and eliminating the need to stop printing when changing the pile.

Automatic non-stop feederAutomatic non-stop feederDelivery shutterDelivery shutter

Easy operation

Press Information Display

Operation standOperation stand equipped with the Press Information Display

Equipped with a large 55-inch screen, the Press Information Display allows real-time monitoring of sheet transport via an IP camera. It also features a full range of other monitoring functions, including display of printing image data, color density measurement results, and safety device operation status.

Display of sheet transport statusDisplay of sheet transport status using an IP camera

Easy maintenance and production management

Maintenance Mode

The Maintenance Mode markedly reduces the amount of work required to check and adjust the roller nip, which is essential to ensure consistent printing quality. It includes a variety of automatic functions for supporting nip width adjustment, including automatic printing of nip width samples and cueing of the nip adjustment position.

Print Job Manager

The Print Job Manager manages press operating status in real time, centrally managing the production schedule for multiple presses and sending the printing job data to each press. It also gathers real-time information on press operating status and automatically generates productivity assessment data for each press.

Easy maintenance and production management

SAT SYSTEM / Digital Offset Press


SAT SYSTEM printing pressSAT SYSTEM printing press

Achieves the world's first printing on insert molding film using a waterless LED-UV offset press. Fuses the advantages of screen printing, offset printing, waterless printing and LED-UV printing to achieve high-quality print representation, short lead times and mass production capability of molding film used in three-dimensional automobile interior materials and household appliance parts.

Digital printing

B2-size liquid toner type digital printing offset pressB2-size liquid toner type digital printing offset press

Designed for the age of digital printing, the B2-size liquid toner type digital printing offset press offers fast, reliable printing for ultra-small jobs. With a top-in-class printing speed of 6,000 sheets per hour, this press is appropriate for a wide range of jobs, from general commercial printing to packaging printing. (Under development)


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