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Dealer for Ryobi MHI RMGT for Bulgaria and Macedonia

RMGT Machines

RMGT 1020LX / 1050 LX

Description: RMGT 10 - 1,020/1,050 mm Format Offset Presses, LX (Wide stock range press), , 1050LX-6 CC LD, , The RMGT 10 LX (wide stock range press) features a sheet transfer system that employs unique air management technology and a skeleton transfer cylinder that keeps the surface of the printed sheets from coming into contact with the cylinder. This prevents scratching and smearing, ensuring high...

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RMGT 1020 ST / 1050 ST

Description: 1,020/1,050 mm Format, RMGT 10 - 1,020/1,050 mm Format Offset Presses, ST (Straight press), , 1050ST-5, , The RMGT 10 ST (straight press) was developed based on mechanisms offering proven rigidity, an inking device and dampening system that provide exceptional printing quality, and a seven o'clock cylinder arrangement with double-diameter impression and transfer cylinders. This high-perf...

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RMGT 1020 TP / 1050 TP

Description: RMGT10 TP (Tandem perfector), , 1050TP-10(5/5), , The RMGT 10 TP is a unique tandem perfector press on which the reverse-side printing units are connected to a straight printing press via a special translink unit. After printing the reverse side, the front side is printed without the need to reverse the printed sheets, eliminating various limitations typically associated with perfecting....

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RMGT 1020PF / 1050 PF

Description: RMGT 10 - 1,020/1,050 mm Format Offset Presses , PF (Convertible perfector), , 1050PF-8(4/4), , The RMGT 10 PF is a convertible perfector press that performs both straight printing and perfecting. A sheet reversing unit installed between the printing units reverses the sheets to enable one-pass perfecting. Switching between straight printing and perfecting is fully automatic and takes ju...

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RMGT 1130 ST

Description: RMGT11 ST(Straight press), , , 1130ST-5, , The RMGT 11 ST (straight press) was developed based on mechanisms offering proven rigidity, an inking device and dampening system that provide exceptional printing quality, and a seven o'clock cylinder arrangement with double-diameter impression and transfer cylinders. This high-performance press boasts the latest state-of-the-art printing techn...

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RMGT 1130 LX

Description: RMGT11 LX (Wide stock range press), , 1130LX-6 CC LD, , The RMGT 11 LX (wide stock range press) features a sheet transfer system that employs unique air management technology and a skeleton transfer cylinder that keeps the surface of the printed sheets from coming into contact with the cylinder. This prevents scratching and smearing, ensuring high printing quality. The lineup also includ...

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RMGT 1130 TP

Description: RMGT11 TP (Tandem perfector), , 1130TP-8(4/4), , The RMGT 11 TP is a unique tandem perfector press on which the reverse-side printing units are connected to a straight printing press via a special translink unit. After printing the reverse side, the front side is printed without reversing the sheets, eliminating various limitations typically associated with perfecting. This also makes it...

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